October 17, 2008


Prithvi Innovation is an NGO formed few years back by some of the prominent educationist and social worker of our city(LUCKNOW) such as Mrs Anuradha Kumar Gupta. The main concept behind the formation of this NGO was to help the underprivileged persons of our country.Few of the work undertaken by it include:-
  1. Providing education to the kids of the labours,poor family,farmer etc who are unbale to prevail the quality education.
  2. To help the women and girl children of under developed areas and slums by teaching them stiching,emboriday etc
  3. To help the people of clametic affected ares
  4. To make our mother earth green and clean and many more
To add to the above some of the major contribution which has been taken by PRITHVI INNOVATIONS include providing relief material to the FLOOD AFFECTED BIHAR. It also started a programme called "NAYEE DISHAYAIN" in 2007 whose main aim is to provide education to the poor kids residing in the slums,labour depost and villages. To make NAYEE DISHAYAIN achieve its aim PRITHVI INNOVATIONS redily accepted the invitation extended by TEACH INDIA PROGRAM which is a brain child of United Nation along with Times of India to teach the poor children residing in slums and undeveloped regions.

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